Why Startup Mindset is the First Step Toward Startup?

Making startup is the need of time. Modern youngsters have lot more resources than any other generation that previously had. Internet gives them access to the ocean of information at their fingertips, social media give them access to interact and collaborate to any of the person to the next corner of the world.
Further, the new ways of startup, like digital startup, networking startup, and other online based startup does not need too much investment as once need for setting up factories and industries.
And, so young generation need not worry much even about investment, team, and information. They already have amazing ideas.
So, what is that thing which is stopping young budding entrepreneurs from starting their own startup?
Startup Mindset. Even with all the resources needed for startup, you cannot start your own startup if you don’t have the exact mindset for it.
We talked to Dr. Shyam Prasad Rajasekaran, the CEO and founder of TwirlTact, and noted down some ways to build Startup Mindset.
Read the full article: Wanna Build Your Own Startup? First Build Your Startup Mindset.
It was really an amazing session with Dr. Shyam. And, we appreciate his effort for sharing his experience.
Once a budding entrepreneurs build a startup mindset, no power can stop him from setting and succeeding his/her own startup.
Thanks for reading this article.